Following Professionals are available in Odenton.

Dennis Austin

(0 reviews)

Dennis Austin, an IRS Enrolled Agent, provides expert tax consultation, offering full representation rights before the IRS.

Eleanor Ferrara

(0 reviews)

As an IRS Enrolled Agent, Eleanor Ferrara exemplifies expertise in tax law, offering unmatched IRS representation.

Hazel Zabel

(0 reviews)

As an IRS Enrolled Agent, Hazel Zabel exemplifies expertise in tax law, offering unmatched IRS representation.


(0 reviews)

HOLLY BAUMGARTNER, an IRS Enrolled Agent, ensures top-tier tax representation before the IRS with comprehensive expertise.


(0 reviews)

As an IRS Enrolled Agent, JOANN CRISLIP excels in comprehensive tax management, ensuring client representation before the IRS.

Why Choose Professional Tax Resolution?

Choosing professional tax resolution services can provide numerous advantages, especially for those dealing with complex tax issues or disputes with tax authorities.

Expert Guidance
Avoid Penalties
Customized Solutions
Maximize Savings