Scams & Alerts

Getting Tax Help from a Tax Lawyer

We all avoid getting into tax problems, but sometimes things turn so that we get into trouble with the IRS. Good news is that there is help available for getting out of a tax problem with minimum of hassle. The aim of a tax lawyer is to achieve a resolution to a tax problem which…

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Companies Get Tax Breaks, Government Gets Naught

When companies get bailout or receive tax breaks, it is the government money that gets spent. In an effort to create more jobs in their states, mayor and governors provide tax benefits to corporations. If the reward is more, states get more companies and more jobs. States are, therefore, giving more and more. But problem…

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Why Hire Help for Tax Debt Relief

Many taxpayers believe resolution of tax debt is unnecessary till the IRS comes after them. The truth is that the IRS can come after taxpayers with back taxes anytime, but tax debt slowly climbs and will, with time, become so huge that it will take years to pay it back. On any amount of back…

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Shoppers Fear Losing Sales Tax Deduction

Next year, shoppers will need to pay more if sales tax deduction expires and is not renewed. Till December 31st, 2012, the IRS will allow federal deduction for state and local sales taxes, but starting 2013 shoppers will need to pay more taxes. This deduction is not the only one to expire. It is just…

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The Importance of Specialists for Tax Relief

Taxes are never simple. That is the reason why most taxpayers use outside help for filing of taxes for resolution of tax problems. When choosing a tax help, taxpayers need to look for specialists of tax relief who can give them best results. Only tax specialists who are licensed, have specialized in the area of…

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Profitable Organizations Using Tax-Exempt Status to Escape Taxes

The country is losing millions of dollars in taxes, thanks to profitable organizations that have tax-exempt status. Many organizations that are not a charity, a school, a religious organization etc. can get tax-exempt status even as they earn millions of dollars. With the country looking into an enormous budget deficit and finding ways to get…

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Why Need Help for Back Taxes

Back taxes are a pain. It seems that things are not in your control, but tax debt can be decreased or increased depending on how and when you choose to pay your back taxes. If payment of tax debt is delayed, interest on the tax debt amount accumulates and increases the total amount of tax…

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Tax Help for Sandy Victims and Volunteers

Along with help of blankets, food and pet supplies, the victims of Sandy are now getting tax help. The IRS is providing tax relief to victims of Hurricane Sandy that fall under the Presidential Disaster Areas. The IRS has provided relief to victims of hurricanes and other natural calamities before. This time, they have provided…

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Truth about IRS Tax Debt Reduction Program

Offer in Compromise program of the IRS has been much abused because it is the only way to reduce tax debt. Many taxpayers get duped into thinking that their tax debt will be reduced substantially or even reduced to zero by the tax service that promises to do so. Fraudulent tax services that sell dreams…

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New Study by U.S. Treasury on Ecology and Taxes

The National Academy of Science (NAS) is carrying out a $1.5 million study that aims to take an inventory of the U.S. tax code and how it effects the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. The study does not aim to change tax codes or recommend new taxes; it will examine how…

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