Tax Scams Truth: Share Your Tax Stories

Posted on June 26, 2021

Tax Scams Truth: Share Your Tax Stories

Tax scams have been rocking the country every now and then. Apart from the headlines these multi-million dollar tax scams made in the news, they are essentially stories about people, taxpayers who lost thousands of dollars in tax scams. They were people who were already in a financial crisis because of tax debt.

Tax Scams: Why Share?

Tax scams mushroom because taxpayers are not aware of the ways fraudulent tax companies use to dupe them. Sharing of experiences you had with fraudulent companies involved in tax scams can help other taxpayers in staying away from them. It also helps others in knowing how and in which manner fraudulent tax companies cheated individual taxpayers.

Many have shared their bad experiences with the world about how they were duped into believing that their tax debt would be resolved by the tax company they chose. They found themselves a victim of tax scams. Sharing your story is important in spreading awareness about tax scams so that more and more taxpayers can avoid falling victim to them.

Busting Tax Scams through Consumer Complaints

It is a fact that major tax scams were busted because of consumer complaints. When hundreds of consumers speak against a company, law enforcement agencies take notice. Telling your story to the world not only helps others to stay safe from tax scams, it also helps in busting tax scams.

Tax scams of tax companies such as American Tax Relief, Roni Deutch and J.K. Harris were busted because of the rising number of consumer complaints against them. These tax scams were unearthed because their clients chose to speak against them. That saved many other taxpayers from falling victim to these tax scams.

Tax Scams & Your Voice

Every single voice regarding tax scams is important. Your story involves much information about how tax scams are operated. They are not only vital to taxpayers, but are also very important to law enforcement agencies. There are various reputed institutions such as the BBB and the FTC where you can file your complaints against possible tax scams.

Reporting about tax scams on online discussion boards is an option, but due to lack of an authentication system, there is no way for readers to differentiate between truth and lies on such forums. To help prevent tax scams, it is better to complain on reputed consumer protection agencies’ websites.

All taxpayers are invited to share their stories so that there can be a healthy circulation of correct and accurate information about tax scams. This can help taxpayers, consumer protection agencies and law enforcement agencies to stop tax scams. It is the first step towards preventing the growth of tax scams in the country.