Tax Relief Companies

Tax Non-Compliance, Penalty and Its Forgiveness

The IRS charges penalty for non-compliance to encourage taxpayers to comply with the tax laws. The penalty for non-compliance varies depending on the gravity of the non-compliance. In some cases, it can be as high as 75 percent. Late filing of taxes, non-payment of taxes, tax fraud cases and tax evasion are some of the…

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The Good & the Bad of Tax Resolution Companies

Tax resolution companies provide essential support to taxpayers who find it difficult to resolve their tax problems themselves. Legitimate tax resolution companies offer honest services, but there are many fraudulent tax services that are only after taxpayers’ money. When taxpayers hire a legitimate tax service, they receive assistance in the preparation, representation and negotiation of…

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Fraudulent Tax Resolution Companies

Even though most tax resolution companies provide honest services, there are some that use the mask of tax resolution to take money from taxpayers looking for resolution of tax problems. Recently, many fraudulent tax companies were exposed. Most of them used deceptive advertising that gave false hopes to taxpayers, especially of tax debt reduction. They…

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Evading Taxes and Tax Laws

While some citizens try to evade taxes illegally, others find loopholes in the tax code to legally minimize their tax bill. Many companies and  individual citizens evade taxes by hiding money in tax havens. This unaccounted money totals to billions of dollars of lost tax revenue each year. Even though the IRS has been trying…

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Targeting Tax Evasion by Targeting Tax Havens

To target tax evasion, the IRS has targeted tax havens on one hand and encouraged voluntary disclosure of evaded taxes on the other. Switzerland, a country well-known for allowing secrecy in financial institutions, was asked by the IRS under Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)  to share financial details of U.S. taxpayers and introduce transparency…

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How Tax Fraud is Conducted

There are various methods  scammers use to defraud both taxpayers and the IRS. Most taxpayers have heard about identity theft, phishing and return preparer fraud. These three are the most widespread tax frauds. Tax fraud is usually conducted by scammers posing as a reputable institution such as the IRS or well-known bank. Scammers tempt, threaten,…

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How Tax Preparers Conduct Fraud

Although most tax return preparers are honest and perform their duties professionally, there are some return preparers who dupe taxpayers by filing false tax preparer returns either with the taxpayer’s consent or without it. Some fraudulent return preparers influence and persuade taxpayers to use false income figures or false deductions to receive exaggerated tax refunds….

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The Reality of Low and High Taxes

Earlier this year, there was great disagreement over raising taxes on the wealthy. Many believed that raising taxes would not affect the very rich to a large extent; rather it would affect the services they provide and the people they employ. But statistics reveal that the tax increase on the wealthy did not affect services…

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Taxes: How They Affect Us

Nobody likes to pay taxes, but taxes do not seen as dreadful if we look at how high the cost of low taxes can be. The general notion is that low taxes are good, but this is not always the case. An example is the privatization in the health care system. Statistics reveal that privatized…

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The High Cost of Low Taxes

The debate about the high cost of low taxes is important for revealing many buried truths. The simple question is: what benefits are the American people getting for the taxes they pay? Likesome European countries, the American people also pay a similar amount for services such as healthcare, unemployment insurance, and disability. The safety net…

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