Tax Relief Companies

Your Role in Preventing Tax Fraud

Some tax scammers tempt taxpayers into conducting tax fraud, and some others steal taxpayers’ tax information to file false tax returns. Whichever method tax scammers use, taxpayers can help prevent tax fraud by keeping themselves informed, being careful in sharing tax information, and reporting attempts at identify theft. The IRS requests taxpayers to forward any…

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Tax Fraud: What to Expect this Tax Season

The tax season is the time when tax scammers are the most active. Therefore, along with preparing and filing taxes, taxpayers also need to keep themselves secure from scammers’ attempts to steal their identity. Identity theft remains the most widespread type of tax fraud. Most taxpayers are familiar with phishing attempts by scammers. In order…

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Tax Preparation Difficulties & How to Overcome Them

It is important for taxpayers to prepare their taxes accurately and to file them timely. To ensure that the information you have put on the return is accurate, you should always double check the deductions and credits you have claimed. Make sure you have not claimed any deduction or credit that you do to qualify…

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Tax Filing Confusion for Same-Sex Couples

The tax filing season will start on January 31st, but there is still considerable confusion on the filing status of same-sex couples. Those married same-sex couples that were married in states that recognize their marriage have less confusion as to their status. They are considered married for tax purposes and may file jointly. The states…

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Qualifying Factors of Tax Debt Resolution Payment Plans

Every tax debt payment plan has qualifying factors that must be met by the applicant to begin the resolution process under it. The IRS has various tax debt payment plans, such as Streamlined Installment Agreement, Currently Not Collectible, Offer in Compromise, Partial Payment Installment Agreement, and Guaranteed Installment Agreement that taxpayers can apply for. A…

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Resolution of Tax Debt: Finding Help

Resolving complicated tax debt requires carefulness and correct guidance in addition to professional expertise in representing tax debt cases before the IRS. When seeking professional help to resolve a tax debt case, taxpayers must be sure to research well, both online and offline, so that they find a competent and legitimate tax service to resolve…

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Tax Debt: Methods of Resolution

In many tax debt cases, resolution involves qualifying for a tax debt payment plan because most taxpayers, especially those with substantial debt, cannot pay the entire debt amount in a single payment. There are various IRS payment plans, including Installment Agreements, the Offer in Compromise program, and Currently Not Collectible. These payment plans help taxpayers…

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Tax Debt Resolution Methods

A tax debt can be resolved through various ways, but depending on the particulars of the case, there is only one method of resolution that can give a taxpayer the most benefit. There are various IRS tax debt payment plans, namely Installment Agreement, Offer in Compromise and Currently Not Collectible that can be used for…

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Using Tax Resolution Services for Tax Debt Relief

Tax debt can be resolved in many ways, but getting the maximum benefit from a resolution is difficult without hiring professional help especially if the case is complicated. In tax debt cases where the taxpayer can pay the full amount of tax debt, the process of resolution is straightforward and does not necessarily require professional…

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Services Tax Resolution Companies Provide

Tax resolution services offer a variety of services in tax debt resolution, including matching taxpayers with an appropriate tax resolution plan, the reduction/forgiveness of penalty, tax debt reduction, and tax debt forgiveness. A tax resolution company begins by preparing a tax case for representation. They have experts to prepare a tax case, many times more…

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